
Blog Challenge Finale

A month ago, or a little over that by now, I decided to do a blog challenge with my friends and myself to blog every day in the month of August. I have two blogs, this and a personal one, so that was a daunting task of 62 blogs. I’ll admit that at times, due to travel and other circumstances, I had to write ahead of time and post on the day of. But still, 62 blogs!

August 31st is the last day of the blog challenge. I have written a blog for every day of the month. Some days I didn’t get to post them to social media for one reason or another (ie I was posting from my phone and it was being temperamental) but I did write a blog for every day.

This challenge was exciting, and honestly a bit grueling. Towards the end of last, I knew I was having company in town the following week, so went on a blogging marathon to make sure I had a blog to post every day. Whew! Let me tell you how much I loved coffee that day.

This challenge taught me a lot. I had to be creative, to think in different terms and challenge my brain quite a bit. I learned that I know more about the travel industry and travel in general than I even thought. I enjoyed sharing my thoughts, insights, pictures, and more. I also learned that no matter how much you know about travel and the world, there’s always so much more to learn!

I plan to continue to blog a couple of times a week after this challenge, but not every day, at least not for now. It was very time consuming, and after a while even the most avid travel and most knowledgeable travel professional would run out of things to say. I hope you enjoyed sharing this challenge with me, and thank you for reading! I hope you continue to enjoy my blog in the future.


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