
Naturalize Your Travel Products

At home, I try to use as many natural and organic products as possible – everything from organic vegetables to 100% natural shampoo. However, I?ll be the first to admit that this healthy regimen is more difficult to keep up when traveling, and I?ve been known to make a last minute drug store run and pick up whatever shower products they have in the travel bin.

I also notice, though, that I tend to feel much less healthy when I travel as a result. My hair looks duller, my face tends to break out more and my skin feels drier. In part, this could be due to the water at my destination (I?m sure my skin and hair are used to the water at home and reacting to the change) but I could almost guarantee that in part it?s due to the use of travel products that aren?t quite up to par with those that I use at on a regular basis.

With a little preparation, however, this could easily be avoided. Many of the companies that provide my home health and beauty products also offer travel sizes. While they might not be exactly the same as those I use daily, they?re certainly a better option than blindly picking out of the travel bin somewhere at the last minute.

Italian Red Grape & Vanilla Chai Travel Kit

Desert Essence – This brand, which makes a wide variety of shower products, skin products and more, can be found both online and at Whole Foods. They offer several travel kits, including the Italian Red Grape Kit, featuring shampoo, conditioner, body wash and body lotion, from just $8.95

Yes to Carrots – This line combines organic fruits and vegetables to create their products, and can be found in a variety of drug stores/pharmacies as well as online. Their travel products include a Shower Essentials Kit – complete with shampoo, conditioner and shower gel – as well as a facial towelettes pack which is 98.7% natural and biodegradable. (The Yes To line produces five collections, all starting with “Yes To”: Carrots, Cucumbers, Blueberries, Tomatoes and Baby Carrots).


21 Drops – Though not a ?beauty product?, this innovative line of products could help while traveling in other ways. These 100% natural and organic aromatherapy drops offers blends for 21 different complaints – from ?drained? to ?sleepless? to ? overindulged? and can also create custom blends. Given the large number of travel complaints due to jet lag, different foods, and change in activity level, these essential oils could come in quite handy for those that enjoy aromatherapy and want to bring a little of that comfort with them.

21 drops smaller

The products above are 3 oz or less, and therefore can be placed in a carry on. Just because a product?s name includes the word ?travel?, though, does not mean it is under the 3 oz limit. Make sure to check each product, especially if it comes in a kit or gift bag – it?s frustrating to bring along your new beauty finds just to have them taken away at security. If you?re unsure, best to pack them in your checked luggage or transfer them into a 3 oz bottle if you are bringing only a carry on.


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