
Life Lessons and Travel

Traveling can be one of the best ways to get to know oneself, as well as your travel companions. It can send you through ups and downs, excitement and frustration, and introduce you to experiences completely out of your comfort zone. I’ve personally learned a lot about myself throughout my travels. I’ve also learned a lot about life. I thought I’d share a few of these with you, as I suspect I’m probably not alone in at least some of these.

1. The best way to conquer a fear is to push yourself through it. I am afraid of heights. Quite afraid, really. When I was in Australia someone bet me that I wouldn’t bungee jump. I don’t like to lose bets. I bungee jumped twice (once in Australia, once in New Zealand on a jump about three times as high as the first). I then when skydiving. I’m still not a huge fan of heights, but I now know that I won’t let it stop me. I’ve transferred this to other fears as well.

2. Differences are glorious. I avoid restaurants that say “tourist menu”. I don’t take group tours filled with other Americans. I’d rather stop and try to talk to locals, or at least observe them and pantomime if verbal communication fails. You can learn so much from other cultures if you only watch closely (in a curious way, not a stalker-like way).

3. Nothing ever goes exactly as you’ve planned. Have a plan B, or be happy to go with the flow. A combination is probably best. This pretty much can be said translated into all areas of life.

4. Sometimes, it’s a good to let down your guard and allow yourself to really get to know you. When you shed the busy work day persona, your normal routine, and usual habits, you might be quite surprised at what you discover.

5. Simplicity can be a nice respite. When I travel overseas I check email maybe once or twice a day, I return only emergent or time sensitive phone calls (i.e. client traveling very soon), I can live for several weeks on whatever I can fit in my suitcase. It’s a refreshing break from the usual over-stimulation of my day to day life.

I often wish I that when I return, I could be more like my traveling self. The world around me doesn’t seem to cooperate at times, but I’m making strides.

What lessons have you learned from your travels?


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